NRL Betting Guide And Odds 2025

Rugby is definitely one of the world’s most popular sports, and watching professional games is practically a national pastime in New Zealand! With the growth in internet betting in the country, Rugby betting opportunities are better and more available than ever before. We’ve lined up all the best and most reputable sites for you to try here at, and many of their most exciting offers involve the Australian National Rugby League, or NRL. This body holds thrilling tourneys all year round, so there’s always some exciting NRL betting to be had!

We want to make your betting experiences as perfect as possible, so as well as showing you the best sites to place your NRL bets at, we decided to also show you how best to do it. That’s why we’ve put some simple guidelines to NRL bets together, and you can read them right here.

Best NRL Betting Sites

TOP NZ NRL Betting SITESMarch 2025
1 IE allowed5/5Up to $60 NZD Bet now

When you love a sport as much as most New Zealanders love Rugby, it’s easy to get caught up in emotions when you’re trying to make decisions about NRL betting. It’s important not to let your head get in the way of your heart – you can still support your favourite team, but when you’re deciding where to put your money down you need to base your decision on facts. Visitors to sites can conveniently check out contenders at the same time as they’re actually considering them, with a few simple clicks or finger swipes.

Mobile NRL Betting NZ

When you’re making this important decision, check the winning statistics of every player involved, as well as their recent playing history. The more time you spend placing NRL bets at the New Zealand sites we recommend here, the more you’ll gain insight into and appreciation for NRL betting.

The NRL betting tips and options available at different online New Zealand sports betting sites do vary, but almost all of the sites we feature at offer the full range of standard punts. These include the basic Match Wins and wagers on the performance of specific players, as well as thrilling in-play options.

NRL betting gets even more complex and exciting in the NRL’s biannual tournaments. Bracketed NRL bets, which allow you to punt on the team that will win each match and then on the one who will take the whole tourney, are common. They tend to feature very long NRL betting odds, but payouts that are big enough to match. As with teams and players, you’ll learn which punts work for you and which you should stay away from with time and practice.

NRL Online Betting New Zealand

No matter where you are along your NRL betting adventure, the bookies we list at can accommodate and reward you with free bets. Weekend enthusiasts who want to formalise the debates around the barbecue and the serious punters across New Zealand will both find plenty to sink their teeth into here. But there’s no need to take out word for it – check out some of the great options now to see what all the fuss is about for yourself!

Upcoming NRL Fixtures

NRL25-AprWarriors VS TitansGo Media Stadium
NRL25-AprDragons VS RoostersAllianz Stadium
NRL25-AprStorm VS RabbitohsAAMI Park
NRL26-AprSea Eagles VS Eels4 Pines Park
NRL27-AprTigers VS BroncosCampbelltown Sports Stadium
NRL27-AprCowboys VS PanthersQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL28-AprDolphins VS KnightsSuncorp Stadium
NRL28-AprRaiders VS SharksGIO Stadium
NRL02-MayRabbitohs VS PanthersAccor Stadium
NRL03-MaySea Eagles VS Raiders4 Pines Park
NRL03-MayBroncos VS RoostersSuncorp Stadium
NRL04-MayBulldogs VS TigersAccor Stadium
NRL04-MayTitans VS StormCbus Super Stadium
NRL04-MayCowboys VS DolphinsQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL05-MayKnights VS WarriorsMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL05-MaySharks VS DragonsPointsBet Stadium
NRL09-MayDolphins VS Sea EaglesSuncorp Stadium
NRL10-MayPanthers VS BulldogsBluebet Stadium
NRL10-MayEels VS BroncosCommBank Stadium
NRL11-MayTigers VS KnightsScully Park
NRL11-MayDragons VS RabbitohsNetstrata Jubilee Stadium
NRL11-MayStorm VS SharksAAMI Park
NRL12-MayRoosters VS WarriorsAllianz Stadium
NRL12-MayTitans VS CowboysCbus Super Stadium
NRL17-MayRaiders VS BulldogsSuncorp Stadium
NRL17-MaySea Eagles VS BroncosSuncorp Stadium
NRL18-MayTitans VS KnightsSuncorp Stadium
NRL18-MaySharks VS RoostersSuncorp Stadium
NRL18-MayRabbitohs VS CowboysSuncorp Stadium
NRL19-MayWarriors VS PanthersSuncorp Stadium
NRL19-MayStorm VS EelsSuncorp Stadium
NRL19-MayTigers VS DolphinsSuncorp Stadium
NRL23-MayBulldogs VS DragonsAccor Stadium
NRL24-MayCowboys VS TigersQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL24-MaySea Eagles VS Storm4 Pines Park
NRL25-MayRaiders VS RoostersGIO Stadium
NRL25-MaySharks VS PanthersPointsBet Stadium
NRL25-MayRabbitohs VS EelsAccor Stadium
NRL26-MayBroncos VS TitansSuncorp Stadium
NRL26-MayWarriors VS DolphinsGo Media Stadium
NRL30-MayEels VS SharksCommBank Stadium
NRL31-MayKnights VS BulldogsMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL01-JunPanthers VS DragonsBluebet Stadium
NRL01-JunDolphins VS RaidersSuncorp Stadium
NRL02-JunRoosters VS CowboysAllianz Stadium
SOO05-JunNSW VS QLDAccor Stadium
NRL07-JunDragons VS TigersWIN Stadium
NRL08-JunTitans VS RabbitohsCbus Super Stadium
NRL08-JunCowboys VS WarriorsQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL08-JunBroncos VS SharksSuncorp Stadium
NRL09-JunStorm VS KnightsAAMI Park
NRL09-JunPanthers VS Sea EaglesBluebet Stadium
NRL10-JunBulldogs VS EelsAccor Stadium
NRL13-JunSharks VS DolphinsPointsBet Stadium
NRL14-JunRaiders VS CowboysGIO Stadium
NRL14-JunRabbitohs VS BroncosAccor Stadium
NRL15-JunTigers VS TitansLeichhardt Oval
NRL15-JunWarriors VS StormGo Media Stadium
NRL15-JunEels VS RoostersCommBank Stadium
NRL16-JunSea Eagles VS Dragons4 Pines Park
NRL16-JunKnights VS PanthersMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL21-JunDolphins VS StormSuncorp Stadium
NRL22-JunTitans VS WarriorsCbus Super Stadium
NRL22-JunRoosters VS BulldogsIndustree Group Stadium
NRL22-JunRabbitohs VS Sea EaglesAccor Stadium
NRL23-JunTigers VS RaidersCampbelltown Sports Stadium
SOO26-JunNSW VS QLDMelbourne Cricket Ground
NRL28-JunBulldogs VS SharksAccor Stadium
NRL29-JunWarriors VS BroncosGo Media Stadium
NRL29-JunKnights VS EelsMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL29-JunStorm VS RaidersAAMI Park
NRL30-JunDragons VS DolphinsNetstrata Jubilee Stadium
NRL30-JunPanthers VS CowboysBluebet Stadium
NRL30-JunRoosters VS TigersAllianz Stadium
NRL04-JulEels VS RabbitohsCommBank Stadium
NRL05-JulSharks VS TitansC.ex Coffs International Stadium
NRL05-JulBroncos VS PanthersSuncorp Stadium
NRL06-JulBulldogs VS WarriorsAccor Stadium
NRL06-JulTigers VS StormLeichhardt Oval
NRL06-JulCowboys VS Sea EaglesQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL07-JulRoosters VS DragonsAllianz Stadium
NRL07-JulRaiders VS KnightsGIO Stadium
NRL11-JulDolphins VS RabbitohsKAYO Stadium
NRL12-JulSharks VS TigersPointsBet Stadium
NRL13-JulTitans VS EelsCbus Super Stadium
NRL13-JulBroncos VS DragonsSuncorp Stadium
NRL14-JulSea Eagles VS Knights4 Pines Park
SOO17-JulQLD VS NSWSuncorp Stadium
NRL19-JulRaiders VS WarriorsGIO Stadium
NRL20-JulRabbitohs VS TigersIndustree Group Stadium
NRL20-JulKnights VS BroncosMcDonald Jones Stadium
NRL20-JulStorm VS RoostersAAMI Park
NRL21-JulPanthers VS DolphinsBluebet Stadium
NRL21-JulSea Eagles VS Titans4 Pines Park
NRL21-JulCowboys VS BulldogsQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL26-JulWarriors VS TigersGo Media Stadium
NRL26-JulEels VS StormCommBank Stadium
NRL27-JulBroncos VS BulldogsSuncorp Stadium
NRL27-JulCowboys VS SharksQueensland Country Bank Stadium
NRL27-JulRoosters VS Sea EaglesAllianz Stadium